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A Lovey Year of Finishes – January Goal

Well January is a brand new year, and a brand new installment of A Lovely Year of Finishes with Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts & Melissa from Sew BitterSweet Designs. I participated a couple times last year, but this year I really want to try my hardest and participate every month!

My goal for January is a relatively simple one. I want to finish my Marcelle Medallion quilt top. I only have a couple borders left to sew on and then I will be done. I don’t want to commit to having it quilted and completely finished because I still haven’t decided if I am going to quilt it myself or send it to a longarm quilter.

Here is my progress so far. I am in LOVE with this thing, and it is definitely going to be my quilt when I am done with it.



  1. January 11, 2014 / 12:36 am

    Great job! I'm excited to see how it finishes and definitely a keeper!

  2. January 7, 2014 / 6:20 pm

    Look at all of those flying geese! Lots of piecing and nicely executed. Can't wait to see the finish.

  3. January 6, 2014 / 1:06 pm

    very pretty. i never met a blue and white quilt that I didn't like! How big will it be when finished? If it's not more than 50 or 60" wide I bet you can do it yourself and then it will really be all yours. I am trying to participate in ALYoF for all 12 months this year too! Good Luck. Pam xoxo

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