• Mirror Makeover

     The same weekend that I was in Austin for the Country Living Fair I picked up an amazing old mirror…

    Sneak Peek

    Here is a quick little peek at a project I just started planning. All I have is a drawing right…

    Sprocket Pillow

    A while ago I came across these amazing sprocket pillows one day while Stumbling. I found them worthy of a…

    Country Living Fair

    This past weekend my mom, grandma, and I ventured out to the Country Living Fair in Austin. We bought the…

    Lazy Day

    It has been cloudy and raining most of the day, so William and I have been taking it easy. William…

    Lovely Tiered Planter

    I have been itching to do some gardening for the past few weeks, but it can only be in containers…

    Nine-Patch Throw Quilt

      My most recent completed project is a lovely quilt that I made for my little nephew Jack. This was…

    I Instantly Fell in LOVE

    This evening I was browsing around on Fat Quarter Shop and I came across the most amazing fabric! It is…

    Writing from the Road

    Well we have made it to Louisiana and it has been smooth sailing so far. William slept the first part…

    My Dream Closet

    Most of the time when people hear the phrase “dream closet” they automatically assume that it is in reference to…

    The Ups and Downs of Self-Soothing

    William is 7 months old now and he is becoming more and more of a handful. Much like a puppy…

    Nine-Patch Throw Quilt

    My most recent completed project is a lovely quilt that I made for my little nephew Jack. This was supposed…

    Looking for Something?