• Mom’s Closet Redo: Part 1

    My mom has desperately needed her closet redone ever since we moved to our new house almost 8 years ago.…

    Projects to Make in 2013

    I probably have hundreds of things pinned that I would love to eventually make, but there are a couple that…

    TV Tray Pressing Table

    Since I don’t have an extra room in our house for my crafting adventures, I get to do them wherever…

    Pumpkin Gingerbread Mini Muffins

    With the holidays coming up, I am always thinking about different desserts to make. I love to cook but when…

    Cloth Diapers at Disney World

    So as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I decided to brave using cloth diapers at Disney World!…

    Catching Up

    The past couple of weeks have been crazy busy! We got back from Disney World on the 25th of November,…

    Season of Aggieland Bazaar

    I feel so bad that I have been neglecting the blog so much this month, but I have been swamped…

    Bottle Cap Table Top

    I have been wanting to do a bottle cap table top for a very very very long time. Jeff and…

    William’s Pirate Costume

    This year for Halloween, I made William’s costume and I am so excited about how it turned out. He is…

    Emily’s Red Riding Hood Costume

    Normally for Halloween I make myself a costume, but this year I made William’s costume and my sister Emily’s costume.…

    Getting Ready for Disney World

    In exactly one month, we are going to Disney World for William’s and my nephew Jack’s first Walt Disney World…

    Finger Painting

    This past weekend William and I finger painted for the first time, and it was an interesting experience. He was…

    Looking for Something?