• Bed-Frame Overhaul: The Finale!

    It’s here finally! I have finished the overhaul of our bed-frame! This was the first piece of furniture I have…

    Sorry I’ve Been Missing in Action

    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been missing in action the past few days 🙁 Jeff and I are getting ready…

    Bloggy Olympics Event #1: Decorating!

    I am super excited about this first event in the Bloggy Olympics! I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to…

    Bed-Frame Overhaul: Part 2

    Well I have been working on this thing for a couple weeks now and I am finally starting to see…

    The Bloggy Olympics

    I am super excited to announce that I am going to be participating in the Bloggy Olympics 2012! Each week…

    10 Months Old

    Today my little man turned 10 months old! If you would have told me a year and a half ago…

    Bed-Frame Overhaul

    Like I mentioned in my last post, I am in the process of refinishing our bed-frame, and holy cow it…

    Not Quite Home Sweet Home…. yet

    So we just got moved into our new place and tonight is our first night here. We don’t even have…

    Too Many T-Shirts

    In the extravaganza of packing and moving I discovered that I have entirely too many t-shirts. They’re all my high…


    We’ll it has been a busy week. We visited my parents at the beginning of the week, Jeff is in…

    Adventures in Cloth Diapering

    We have been going back and fourth with cloth diapering since we brought William home from the hospital. When he…

    I Love Him

    William is becoming such a big boy. It has only been 9 months and I just cannot believe how fast…

    Looking for Something?