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Catching Up

Hello friends! I have been super MIA recently and I apologize. The past couple weeks have been so busy, and I have barely been able to keep my head above water between working, and being mommy & wifey. Wearing so many hats can be quite exhausting, especially with a 4 month old who seems to be always hungry, and a 5 year old who is scared to sleep in his own room. Needless to say mommy has been living on coffee and strategically hidden candy that the 5 year old can’t find!

I’ll be watching my newest Craftsy class while folding said humongous pile of laundry ๐Ÿ˜‰ *All new classes at Craftsy are currently only $20! I recently grabbed Christa Watson’s new class, “The Quilter’s Path: Plan It, Stitch It, Quilt It” and it is all about quilting on your domestic sewing machine. I’ve only made it through the beginning of the lessons, but I can already tell that I’m going to learn a ton from the class! I might finally branch out from basic meandering and straight line quilting.

I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled posting starting on Sunday with #SundayStash. I’m back to no buying, but I have a couple pretties that came in on the tail end of my final purchases of the year. 

*I get a tiny kickback from any purchases made when you follow the links I have in this post ๐Ÿ™‚ hints the tiny wording lol

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