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Selfish Sewing Week Wrap-Up

Well I didn’t get everything on my little list finished… in all honesty I only worked on my Marcelle Medallion quilt. But I am really happy with how much work I got done on it and I cannot wait until it is finished! 
Can't decide which fabric to use. What do y'all think? #mmqal #marcellemedallion
This is where I started the week at. I had my center medallion done and was auditioning which fabric to use as my first border. I posted this on Instagram for some advice, and thankfully all my Intagram buddies are awesome and voted for the Pearl Bracelets because that was the one I was leaning towards. 
Pearls won :) #mmqal #marcellemedallion
Sewed a test row of my triangle boarder and it actually looks right! Saving the real thing for tomorrow. #mmqal #marcellemedallion #selfishsewingweek
The triangle border was the one I was most terrified of (since I haven’t tackled the flying geese yet) but I did a tester row and it went together easier than I thought. I am so glad that I went to Joann’s and got this ruler. It made cutting out the triangles 100% easier than if I were to have made a template.
Added my first triangle border. #mmqal #marcellemedallion
My first border turned out a bit wonky and puckered in a couple places, but I adjusted my seam allowance and the next three turned out perfect. FYI to anyone who attempts this quilt, use a true 1/4″ seam allowance when sewing the triangles.
Getting better at posing for me :)
Then on Wednesday I took a break and made this awesome backpack for William. The fabric is just too darn awesome, and I can’t wait to make some pillows out of the extra I have. 
Working on my last 2 triangle borders. This has been easier than I thought it would be. #mmqal #marcellemedallion #selfishsewingweek
Border 2 done! #mmqal #marcellemedallion #selfishsewingweek
I got the second border done Thursday afternoon. I love how the quilt changes and grows with each additional border that is sewn on. 
Hmm I think I like it.... #mmqal #marcellemedallion
Late Friday night (aka 2 in the morning), I got this border sewn on. I love the polka dots ๐Ÿ™‚
Progress. Border 3 done. #mmqal #marcellemedallion #selfishsewingweek
This is where the project is at right now. I LOVE it!! It is so bright and awesome. I can’t wait to get going on the other borders and see how it grows. 
Even though I only worked on one project, I think my Selfish Sewing Week was pretty darn successful.


  1. September 30, 2013 / 3:27 pm

    I so wish I knew how to sew ๐Ÿ™ everything looks FANTASTIC!!!

  2. September 29, 2013 / 8:01 pm

    Thanks girl!! It was so much fun to make and he loves it!

  3. September 29, 2013 / 7:52 pm

    stoooop that backpack is adorable! You need to make those for your etsy shop! so talented

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