Disney Wordless Wednesday

  This weeks theme for Disney Wordless Wednesday is Disney Inspired Letter “P”. So for my pictures I made a…

Disney Wordless Wednesday

This weeks theme is October Calendar Shot. So I only saw it fitting to use one of my favorite pictures…

Disney Wordless Wednesday… on Thursday

This week’s theme is Disney Inspired Letter “N”, so my inspiration was William’s New Look from when he got his…

Disney Almost Wordless Wednesday

  So this weeks theme for Disney Wordless Wednesday is Disney Weenies. I didn’t know what this one was referring…

Disney Wordless Wednesday

This weeks theme for Disney Wordless Wednesday is Transportation. My favorite is the face William is making in the bottom…

Disney Wordless Wednesday

Better late than never! Our internet has been out all day so this is the first moment I have had…

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Disney Wordless Wednesday

It’s been a couple of weeks, but I’m linking up with Focused on the Magic for Disney Wordless Wednesday again.…

Wordless Wednesday – Happy Bithday Mom!

Today is my Mom’s Birthday and I wish I could be in Austin to celebrate with her! We have crazy…

Disney Wordless Wednesday

This weeks theme for Disney Wordless Wednesday is The Disney Days of Summer. If you believe yourself to be a…

Disney Wordless Wednesday

So I just had to participate in this weeks Disney Wordless Wednesday post over at Focused on the Magic because…

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