The Little Gym

I knew that when we moved to Houston, I wanted to find a mommy-and-me class for William and I to…

Potty Training Success

I think it is safe to say that William is mostly potty trained and it is AMAZING! I say mostly…

William’s First Airplane Ride

Sorry I have been M.I.A. the past week or so, I have been in such a funk and honestly didn’t…

We’re Going to Disney!

In exactly 2 weeks William, my Mom, my Grandma, and I are going to Disney World for the Epcot International…

Dreary Day

Today was a  dreary day in our part of Texas. I guess Mother Nature decided that Texas needed a couple…

Cloth Diaper Q&A

Our good friends Brandon and Christine are trying to have a baby, and the other day Christine was asking me…

William’s Finished Berenstain Bears Quilt

A couple weeks ago I got William’s quilt back from being long-arm quilted by Kathy over at Stitch by Stitch,…

William’s Baby Quilt

Earlier I wrote the post about the Berenstain Bears quilt that I made for William a few months ago, but…

William’s Berenstain Bears Quilt

Almost a year ago I wrote this post about a fabric line I came across and fell in love with.…

William’s Pirate Costume

This year for Halloween, I made William’s costume and I am so excited about how it turned out. He is…

Getting Ready for Disney World

In exactly one month, we are going to Disney World for William’s and my nephew Jack’s first Walt Disney World…

Finger Painting

This past weekend William and I finger painted for the first time, and it was an interesting experience. He was…

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