25 Before 25 Check In

It’s that time again and I am getting close to my deadline for my 25 by 25 goals. Here is…

25 Before 25 Check-In

I totally spaced on the fact that I was supposed to post this 3 days ago! William has been sick…

25 before 25 Check In

I almost didn’t realize that today was the 27th. My days have been all out of whack since getting home…

25 Before 25 Check-In

Well I have been semi-successful in the past month with my goals.  Finally lose those 10lbs that have been hanging…

25 Before 25 Check-In

So today marks the first check-in for my 25 before 25 list. I’ve been a tad bit successful with what…

25 Things Before 25

Happy Tuesday everyone! As of today, August 27th, there are exactly 7 months until my 25th birthday. I have to…

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