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Cookbook Challenge: March Update

Well I have officially only completed one recipe for my Cookbook Challenge 2013, from my cookbook during the month of March ๐Ÿ™ Despite my lack in quantity of recipes this month, my one recipe definitely was top quality.

I made the Pollo a las Rajas and it was amazing. When you’re in the park, you can find this recipe at San Angel Inn Restaurante at the Mexico Pavillion in EPCOT. I’ve never had it there, but I kinda want to go and see how delicious it is.

I didn’t take a picture of this recipe because to be honest, it was an ugly dish. It does not look appetizing at all, but it tastes amazing. Jeff had three helpings of it and I had two. It is definitely a recipe I will make again, but next time I will cut it in half because it makes a ton.

Hopefully next month I can pick up the pace and get on track for completing all of these recipes before the end of the year.

Recipe Count: 5 of 99


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