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I’m Too Lazy & Cheap for the Gym

The title of this post really sums it up. I’m too lazy to go to the gym, and too cheap to pay for it. (Plus not paying for the gym means I have more money to buy fabric) Now that doesn’t mean I am too lazy to exercise, quite the opposite. I try to exercise everyday during William’s nap time. I have a pretty good sized library of workout DVDs and books, and it is consistently growing.

This past Friday I pulled out a DVD that I had grabbed at Target a couple of months ago. It is a beginners yoga DVD set that has 4 discs with different workouts. At first I thought it would just be a simple workout, nothing too challenging. It’s says beginner on the box after all, and I’ve been doing yoga for years, I won’t even break a sweat….

Boy was I wrong. This DVD kicked my butt, in a good way. So far I have done the 1st and 2nd DVDs and both have made me break out in a sweat.

The 1st Beginner Yoga DVD was really great. The workout was about 50 minutes, and it was really thorough on the basics of yoga. I got a great workout that left me sore the next day.

The 2nd Yoga Mix workout was only 20 minutes, and I was questionable about how in-depth this one would be. It ended up being so much more strenuous that the first DVD. I was literally dripping in sweat after the 20 minutes. The workout was a combination of dance and yoga, and it reminded me of workouts I did back in my dance team days.

I’m interested to see what the other 2 DVDs are like. I plan on doing one of them today during William’s nap time. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a great DVD to do at home and you’re too cheap to pay for the gym like me, I totally recommend this one.



  1. August 27, 2013 / 3:44 pm

    I'm the same way when it comes to working out. I always choose to do the DVD's too. Plus now that I have kids, it's easier to do it from home.

  2. August 26, 2013 / 12:38 pm

    I am the same way! I don't know how to use half the equipment and I'm too cheap to pay 20 bucks a month for a treadmill when I can run outside! I do the jillian michaels dvds usually because yoga scares me.

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