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25 Things Before 25

Happy Tuesday everyone! As of today, August 27th, there are exactly 7 months until my 25th birthday. I have to admit that I sat and stared at this post for a while before writing anything. I was at a loss as to what I wanted to accomplish before my 25th birthday. So I walked away, ate some ice cream, and then figured it out.

This isn’t a grand list of lofty accomplishments like end world hunger, have another baby, or get a Masters Degree. No they’re just small semi-practical goals that I want to try and accomplish before I turn the big 25! Some I am confident I can get crossed off, and others I know will be a challenge.

  1.  Finally lose those 10lbs that have been hanging on since having William. 
  2. Complete 10 quilts (binding & all). 
  3. Start making significant & consistent money from my Etsy shop.
  4. Exercise at least 4 days a week. (this goes hand in hand with #1)
  5. Go camping as a family. 
  6. Go to the beach as a family. 
  7. Balance our finances and stick to a budget. 
  8. Be able to run 5 miles without stopping. (again goes with the exercise thing ๐Ÿ™‚ 
  9. Grow my blog to at least 300 followers. 
  10. Feel comfortable in a bathing suit again. (again exercise)
  11. Keep in touch with my girlfriends more. 
  12. Save money and upgrade my camera to a DSLR.
  13. Visit a state I have never been to before.
  14. Bake soft pretzels from scratch.
  15. Get a family portrait taken.
  16. Start planning a wedding. This one hinges on Jeff’s decision to make us “official” ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Have a pattern published in a Magazine or Moda Bake Shop.
  18. Read at least 25 books. 
  19. Read to William more consistantly. 
  20. Have an organized meal plan each week. 
  21. Teach William how to do age appropriate chores
  22. Visit my brother more often. 
  23. Open a savings account for William, and start saving for college. 
  24. Finish William’s 1st year scrapbook.
  25. Make The Weekender Bag & The Aeroplane Bag.
      Well there is. The list of 25 things that I want to accomplish/make a habit of before I turn 25. Every month on the 27th I will check in and let y’all know how I am doing. Wish me luck ๐Ÿ™‚


        1. August 29, 2013 / 8:26 am

          I'll have to check it out ๐Ÿ™‚ And I think #26 is a fabulous idea!

        2. August 29, 2013 / 8:16 am

          To track my money I use You create a budget and then tie your credit cards to it. It mostly goes in the correct category but sometimes you have to manually move items. It also helps you with goals – both making them and creating them. I used to use Quicken but Mint is just so dang easy even a caveman could do it. They have an app too that send your alerts (emails, push notifications, basically everything besides an owl with a note) when you go overbudget. Not fun at first, but it is very helpful! It's very safe ( I was worried about that at first) with several password protections. You should check it out!

          Also – I love #11 :)!! And I think Plan a Trip to Dallas should be #26! Can't hate me for selfless plugs.

        3. August 29, 2013 / 8:16 am

          WOW!! These are VERY ambitious goals for 7 months. All of them great things to accomplish. I hope that you have already started the 10 quilts!! And you just need to complete them!! Keep us updated on your progress!! You Go Girl!!

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