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Chelsea @ Anchors Aweigh {Guest Post}

Hey everyone! I hope you are having an awesome Monday ๐Ÿ™‚ As you know I am currently on vacation at Disney World, but my darling friend has done a fantastic post for y’all today. I hope you enjoy, and we’ll be back to your regular scheduled programing next Monday ๐Ÿ™‚

Hello Young Texan Mama readers! My name is Chelsea, and I blog over at Anchors Aweigh.
I was thrilled when Hilary asked me to guest post on her lovely blog about my favorite at home work-out and am so excited to be sharing it with all of you. Hilary has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers, and I am so excited for her Disney trip! Okay, 90% excitement, 10% pure jealousy. I know she is having a blast right now! Now, as for those at home work-outs…
I have gotten so into working out lately. I now enjoy going on the occasional run and love incorporating weights into my work-outs. But you know what? I don’t go to the gym. Ever. I really can’t remember the last time I worked out in a gym, which is a little sad since I always have free access to one on base thanks to my military wife status. Here’s what I’ve found out: I can get just as good of a work-out in my living room, and then I don’t have to go anywhere!
Today I thought I would share my current favorite way to work-out: Hasfit. My husband found these videos on Youtube a few months ago, and I absolutely love them. Why? Because each video targets a specific area, and the work-outs are only 10 minutes long. I like the way I feel after I work-out, but I hate dedicating an hour of my day to do so. I wake up so sore after doing one or two of these videos, and I can tell a difference in the way I look. Here are two of my favorites so far:
I like to do arms and abs one day, legs another, cardio the next, etc. I’ve never really lifted weights before. I didn’t realize how important it was, but it has helped tone up my entire body. I love using weights now! And by weights, I mean these little 5 pounders I purchased from Walmart for $2. I’ll probably move to 8 pound weights eventually, but you’d be amazed how sore you can be doing these work-outs with 5 pound weights.
I am not affiliated with Hasfit, nor was I compensated for this post. I just genuinely enjoy these work-outs and wanted to share! I’d love for you to stop by my blog and say hello! Thanks again to Hilary for letting me guest post!

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