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25 before 25 Check In

I almost didn’t realize that today was the 27th. My days have been all out of whack since getting home from our trip to Louisiana. This past month has been pretty darn slow as far as progress goes, but slow and steady wins the race right?

  1. Finally lose those 10lbs that have been hanging on since having William. 
    • ‘m still stalled where I was last month. With Thanksgiving coming up (ie tomorrow) I have a feeling I’ll be eating my fair share of extra calories. If you use My Fitness Pal or RunKeeper, add me as a friend and we can cheer for each other!
  2. Complete 10 quilts (binding & all). 
  3. Start making significant & consistent money from my Etsy shop.
    • I’ve had steady orders over the past few weeks. Right now I am brainstorming about what items I want to focus on making once it’s not the holidays anymore. If you haven’t checked out my shop then you totally should ๐Ÿ™‚ 
  4. Exercise at least 4 days a week. (this goes hand in hand with #1)
    • Still haven’t been doing this. ๐Ÿ™
  5. Go camping as a family. 
  6. Go to the beach as a family. 
  7. Balance our finances and stick to a budget.  
    • Doing the same thing we have been doing.(does that mean I should cross this off?)
  8. Be able to run 5 miles without stopping. (again goes with the exercise thing) 
  9. Grow my blog to at least 300 followers. 
    • I’m up to 257 followers! GFC & Bloglovin combined. Love y’all!
  10. Feel comfortable in a bathing suit again. (again exercise)
  11. Keep in touch with my girlfriends more. 
  12. Save money and upgrade my camera to a DSLR.
    • I was checking out Black Friday sales for a good deal on a camera, but I couldn’t find anything that really caught my eye as an awesome deal.
  13. Visit a state I have never been to before.
  14. Bake soft pretzels from scratch.
  15. Get a family portrait taken.
  16. Start planning a wedding. This one hinges on Jeff’s decision to make us “official” ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Have a pattern published in a Magazine or Moda Bake Shop.
    • I just submitted an idea to Moda Bake Shop! Hopefully they like it and I will do a tutorial on their site.
  18. Read at least 25 books. 
  19. Read to William more consistently. 
    • We haven’t been reading as much with how crazy things have been, I really want to get back to it thought because it really helps his schedule.
  20. Have an organized meal plan each week. 
  21. Teach William how to do age appropriate chores
    • He is still doing great at helping with the dishes and laundry ๐Ÿ™‚ 
  22. Visit my brother more often. 
  23. Open a savings account for William, and start saving for college.  
    • DONE!
  24. Finish William’s 1st year scrapbook.
  25. Make The Weekender Bag & The Aeroplane Bag.

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! We’re spending it with Jeff’s family and he is very excited about having fried turkey.


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