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Hello Friends!

Things have been quiet around here because I have been working behind the scenes on something exciting!

Young Texan Mama
is becoming
By Hilary Jordan
Click to visit my new site

Ever since I wrote this post about how things have been recently, I have been thinking deeply about what direction I wanted this platform to take. In doing so I found that I’m no longer passionate about Young Texan Mama like I used to be when I created it when I was 22. I still love what I create, and write, and share, but the name is wrong. 😉 
That is why I have to decided to change things up just a bit. It’l still be mostly quilting and sewing with some other stuff thrown in. But whether I am sharing something I baked, something I have written, or something I have sewn, it would all be By Hilary Jordan. Just like an author or an artist would sign their name to a project! 
For now you’ll just notice the official change on my social media platforms. Since I am handling the website migration on my own, it’s a slightly slower process than if I hired someone to do it.
I am really excited about this new journey, and I hope you stay on for the ride! Happy Weekend! 

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