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Sew Cute Tuesday

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope everyone had a fantastic week last week. I didn’t get much sewing done last week because my mom was in town helping me get the last few things ready for when baby boy arrives, which I’m hoping is sometime this week!

I was able to finish up my bag for the #MakersToteSwap, and will have a full post about it tomorrow or Thursday. It’s currently in transit to my partner, and I want the final bag to be a surprise. Here are a few sneak peeks at what I made for her. The pattern is the Makers Tote by Noodlehead.

Here are some of the lovely projects that were shared last week: 

Lori of Crossquilt recently finished this lovely mini quilt for the #quietplayswap that is happening on Instagram!

Sew Preeti Quilts shared this beautiful quilt that she entered into the Bloggers Quilt Festival!

Finally, Soma of Whims and Fancies shared this awesome geometric mini quilt.

Now it is time to link up your finishes or works in progress from the previous week! You can link up directly from Instagram as well – be sure to tag #SewCuteTuesday and @youngtexanmama on IG so we can see what you’re working on!




  1. October 4, 2016 / 12:53 pm

    Hi Hilary and thank you for the party! Your pag looks beautiful, hope to see it all soon! x Teje

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