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Avengers Quilt for Logan

At the end of March, my friend Brandon had a son but after 24 hours, he and his wife Hillary discovered that their little Logan had Tetralogy of Fallot. This congenital heart defect statistically only happens in 1 out of every 2518 babies born in the US and happens when a baby’s heart does not form correctly as the baby grows and develops during pregnancy.
My friend and his wife were incredibly strong through the past 2 months of staying in the NICU, surgeries, and the uncertainty of what would happen. Thankfully this past week little Logan was discharged from the hospital and is home. You can read more about their journey HERE.
When I found out that my friend and his wife called Logan their Little Iron Man I just knew I wanted to make him a super hero quilt. 

I used one of my favorite Cluck Cluck Sew patterns, and made the baby size version of it. It is bright and definitely perfect for a little boy.

I used Marvel Avengers fabrics from Camelot Cottons, and various other basics in the same color family as the main fabrics. The solid yellow is a shot cotton and it is so soft!

For the quilting I just echoed the seam lines with a yellow variegated thread from Gutermann that I had already. I’ve been bad recently with my fabric/thread spending, so I am trying to get back to not purchasing more than I am using.

I am embarrassed to say that this is actually the first quilt that I have labeled! I always either forget or I’m too excited to give something away that I just haven’t done it in the past. For this label I used one of the leftover blocks, and I lucked out that it was one with the yellow solid for the center square.

I used Steam a Seam light to adhere it to the backing, and I also hand stitched the edges down just to make sure that it doesn’t come off.

I love baby quilts that do not need the backing to be pieced. This is my favorite print from this collection from Camelot Cottons. My one worry was that the fabric was going to bleed since there is so much red, but to my surprise it didn’t! I used 4 color catchers when I washed the quilt, and they all came out mostly white. Normally when I use color catchers with red fabric, they come out mostly pink to red.

This quilt is on it’s way to Brandon, Hillary, and little Logan right now. I really hope they love it as much as I loved making it.

You can read more about their journey and Logan’s recovery on the Go Fund Me page. Thanks for stopping by!


1 Comment

  1. June 10, 2015 / 9:27 am

    Hilary, it is too cute and perfect for such a sweet, strong baby. I'm sure it will be well loved!

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