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Sew my Stash 2015

I have bought a lot of fabric recently…… A LOT OF Fabric, and it is getting to the point where I have more stash than finished projects. Now I know to many that might not seem like a bad thing, whoever dies with the biggest stash wins right lol, but I really want to up the number of completed projects I have.

So I have decided to go on a fabric diet. QuiltCon was especially detrimental to my pocketbook because I could see all the gorgeous fabrics I normally shop for online, up close and personal! I walked away with a fantastic haul of things, just a few are pictured below.

On top of all the goodies I purchased, I also should mention my super duper awesome wonderful, but very expensive new sewing machine! It was a fantastic deal off the regular price, but still hefty.

So! These are the rules that I am going to be giving myself, and I’m posting it here so you guys can hold me accountable! Call me out if I fall off the wagon please!

  1. Do not buy fabric simply because I want it. (even though that is the best reason to buy it)
  2. Use at least 1/2 of my stash by July/August. 
    • This is going to be my check point for the year.
  3. Purchasing white/grey/linen etc. is allowed for background fabrics, but only if I do not have enough of something on hand.
    • & As long as it is for a specific project.
  4. The purchase of backing fabric is allowed so that projects can be finished.
    • I’ll try to piece backing from stash if possible.
I am giving myself one freebie and that is I am going to pre-order the Lizzy House Natural History line and the Tula Pink True Colors line next week when I get paid.

Is anyone else going on a fabric diet this year?



  1. March 9, 2015 / 12:13 pm

    I need to fabric diet as well. Noticing this as I pull fabrics for Stash Bee blocks (where did all that fabric COME from?!) and as I organize my quilting space in prep for a new dog (have to corral all quilting stuff behind a closeable door!). I don't have any specific goals other than not buying unless it's to finish a project. I don't know how much quilting time I'll have between now and July/August, so I don't want to set a goal that's too easy or too hard. Just not buying at all will work for me. Unless it's any of Carolyn Friedlander's fabric at a fantastic price! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. March 8, 2015 / 10:17 pm

    Oooh…I gave myself a similar challenge last year. ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm excited to follow how you do! You can do it!!!!

    Also, congrats on the new machine. I have the 7700 and enjoy all of the harp space it has. And it has wonderful lighting.

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