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WIP Wednesday, The Super Busy Edition

Holy cow have I been busy recently! I feel like I have a billion things going on at once and that’s probably because I do. I am neck deep in my Sewvivor challenge, plus I am working on something fantastic for my good friend Patty. On top of that, I have all my other various projects that I tend to start and stop lol. I think it is official that I have Quilty/Crafty ADHD.

I pulled this stack of fabrics last week for my Sewvivor challenge, and I got everything cut and stitched together. Then I hit a wall and couldn’t figure out exactly what I wanted to do. So it sat on my table over the weekend.

Thankfully, Saturday the Houston Modern Quilt Guild had a Holiday Head-Start Workshop and I taught my Moda Bake Shop Patchwork Potholder tutorial to everyone. I had a ton of fun, and always love getting together with these amazing ladies! It was a great break from fretting over my Sewvivor piece, and I was able to clear my thoughts.

I started working on this quilt the other night because I was waiting on some fabric for my Sewvivor project to come in the mail. The pattern is the Sophie Car Seat tutorial from Clover & Violet. It is a really great tutorial, and Jennie and Clara are amazing! This quilt is destined for my Etsy shop ๐Ÿ™‚

I showed this sneak peek of some Sewvivor embroidery I am worked on last night. Like I said earlier, I had hit a wall with my project over the weekend but Tuesday night I had an epiphany and now I am super excited how this thing is going to come together! I can’t wait to show it off!

Today my sister came into town to help me with some pictures for a Blog Hop that I am a part of this Friday. We had a super fun day at the Mercer Botanical Gardens and Ikea.

Now I’m off to put munchkin to bed, finish a tutorial, and finish my Sewvivor Nautical Challenge! Wish me luck… and bring me coffee ๐Ÿ˜€



  1. August 7, 2014 / 5:23 pm

    Love the fabrics you've chosen for your car seat cover ! that's just calling out for some FMQ!

  2. August 7, 2014 / 5:23 pm

    Really love those yellow fabrics in your stack! Thanks for the link to the Sophie Car Seat Cover tutorial. I know a few new babies who would love this (well, their moms would!)

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