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25 Before 25 Check-In

I totally spaced on the fact that I was supposed to post this 3 days ago! William has been sick with a double ear infections since Christmas, so I haven’t gotten much sewing and computer time in lately.

  1. Finally lose those 10lbs that have been hanging on since having William. 
    • haha yeah I am just gonna laugh at this one. I have gained back the few pounds I have lost, but with the new year only a couple days away, I’m gonna get back to eating healthier. If you use My Fitness Pal or RunKeeper, add me as a friend and we can cheer for each other!
  2. Complete 10 quilts (binding & all). 
  3. Start making significant & consistent money from my Etsy shop.
    • I’ve had steady orders over the past few weeks still, but with stocking orders over with I need to come up with a new staple item for the shop. If you haven’t checked out my shop then you totally should ๐Ÿ™‚ 
  4. Exercise at least 4 days a week. (this goes hand in hand with #1)
    • haha see #1
  5. Go camping as a family. 
  6. Go to the beach as a family. 
  7. Balance our finances and stick to a budget.  
    • Done & Done ๐Ÿ™‚ 
  8. Be able to run 5 miles without stopping. (again goes with the exercise thing)
  9. Grow my blog to at least 300 followers. 
    • I’m up to 297 followers! GFC & Bloglovin combined. So close!
  10. Feel comfortable in a bathing suit again. (again exercise)
  11. Keep in touch with my girlfriends more. 
  12. Save money and upgrade my camera to a DSLR.
  13. Visit a state I have never been to before.
  14. Bake soft pretzels from scratch.
  15. Get a family portrait taken.
  16. Start planning a wedding. This one hinges on Jeff’s decision to make us “official” ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Have a pattern published in a Magazine or Moda Bake Shop.
    • I’m doing something special for an awesome site ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll share more about it soon!
  18. Read at least 25 books. 
    • 5 down, 20 to go! I’ve started counting quilting books and such to the tally. Check out my Good Reads.
  19. Read to William more consistently. 
    • We have story time every night ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. Have an organized meal plan each week. 
  21. Teach William how to do age appropriate chores.
    • He loves helping with the laundry and dishes, and is getting so much better at picking up his toys when he’s done playing with them. 
  22. Visit my brother more often. 
    • Now that he is a stay-at-home dad, we hang out all the time!
  23. Open a savings account for William, and start saving for college.  
    • DONE!
  24. Finish William’s 1st year scrapbook.
  25. Make The Weekender Bag & The Aeroplane Bag

Well that’s it so far. My brother and I are going to train to run the Walt Disney World Marathon in 2015, so I am determined to get healthy and exercise more! Plus I have been doing a lot of practice on my free motion quilting, and hopefully sometime soon that stack of quilt tops I have can become finished quilts.

This is probably one of my last posts before the new year, so I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years Eve celebration and I’ll talk to you next year ๐Ÿ˜‰



    1. January 1, 2014 / 10:44 pm

      You're doing great, girl! Keep working hard!

    2. December 30, 2013 / 12:35 pm

      Such a great list, and you're doing so well! Let's make an Aeroplane Bag together. I am thinking about making one for my Sew Sew Modern Swap partner…maybe you can bring W over one and we can sew and the boys can play!

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