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WIP Wednesday

This week I have only been working on my Marcelle Medallion quilt. I adore how it is looking, and I am only just now working on the triangle border. I can’t wait to get more of the borders put together and on this thing.

Marcelle Medallion center

I paper pieced the center medallion with this amazing tutorial from Penny Poppleton. It came together so easily, and I didn’t have to attempt Y seams! Hooray for avoiding something difficult.

Pearls won :) #mmqal #marcellemedallion

I was conflicted on which fabric to choose for the 1st border, but I love the way the Pearl Bracelets look. I think I might have a thing for Lizzy House fabrics ๐Ÿ™‚

Sewed a test row of my triangle boarder and it actually looks right! Saving the real thing for tomorrow. #mmqal #marcellemedallion #selfishsewingweek

Last night before I passed out from exhaustion, I did a test strip of border 2 with some extra triangles I cut out. I was pretty shocked when it actually looked like it is supposed to. I hoping to get the triangle borders pieced and sewn on the medallion today. Fingers crossed that William takes a long nap ๐Ÿ™‚

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced



  1. September 27, 2013 / 8:44 pm

    Eeeeeek! You made this? I've been afraid of that centre for months! Good for you

  2. September 27, 2013 / 2:03 pm

    Your block is so pretty. Great fabric choices!!

    Thank you so much for linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday!

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. September 27, 2013 / 8:54 am

    Love the medallion and fabrics you chose. And no Y seams is a plus!!!!

  4. September 26, 2013 / 8:46 am

    Gorgeous, your fabric choices look great together!

  5. September 26, 2013 / 8:46 am

    Oh how I love a good nap for the kids! Love the colors and fabric you're using!

  6. September 25, 2013 / 11:46 pm

    Thanks so much!!

  7. September 25, 2013 / 9:31 pm

    I LOVE it so far! Love the fabric ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. September 25, 2013 / 1:03 pm

    Lovely! Thanks for the hint on the paper piecing tutorial. That will make it SOOO much easier. My book finally came in the mail last weekend ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. September 25, 2013 / 12:10 pm

    The Marcelle Medallion is such a lovely pattern and yours looks great in Constellations! Lizzy House's fabric is so winsome, isn't it?

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