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25 Before 25 Check-In

So today marks the first check-in for my 25 before 25 list. I’ve been a tad bit successful with what I want to accomplish. If I didn’t write anything under something, it means I haven’t even attempted it.

  1.  Finally lose those 10lbs that have been hanging on since having William. 
    • I’m down 3lbs… so basically just water weight. If you use My Fitness Pal or RunKeeper, add me as a friend and we can cheer for each other!
  2. Complete 10 quilts (binding & all). 
    • I’ve completed 1 quilt so far! 
  3. Start making significant & consistent money from my Etsy shop.
  4. Exercise at least 4 days a week. (this goes hand in hand with #1)
    • Doing pretty good with this one. William and I have been going to the park and walked/jogged pretty consistently, and I have done yoga at home. 
  5. Go camping as a family. 
  6. Go to the beach as a family. 
  7. Balance our finances and stick to a budget.  
    • We’re getting better at this. A friend of mine suggested as a way to monitor our finances, and it has been awesome so far.
  8. Be able to run 5 miles without stopping. (again goes with the exercise thing) 
  9. Grow my blog to at least 300 followers. 
    • I love y’all! I’m up to 219 followers ๐Ÿ™‚ GFC & Bloglovin combined.
  10. Feel comfortable in a bathing suit again. (again exercise)
  11. Keep in touch with my girlfriends more. 
  12. Save money and upgrade my camera to a DSLR.
  13. Visit a state I have never been to before.
  14. Bake soft pretzels from scratch.
  15. Get a family portrait taken.
  16. Start planning a wedding. This one hinges on Jeff’s decision to make us “official” ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Have a pattern published in a Magazine or Moda Bake Shop.
  18. Read at least 25 books. 
  19. Read to William more consistently. 
  20. Have an organized meal plan each week. 
  21. Teach William how to do age appropriate chores
    • He is becoming a rock star at helping me unload the dishwasher, and he is great with picking up his toys at the end of the day. 
  22. Visit my brother more often. 
  23. Open a savings account for William, and start saving for college.  
    • DONE!
  24. Finish William’s 1st year scrapbook.
  25. Make The Weekender Bag & The Aeroplane Bag

I think I have done pretty good considering it has only been a month ๐Ÿ™‚ 



      1. October 2, 2013 / 3:16 pm


      2. October 2, 2013 / 3:14 pm

        Such nice goals. And you are flying through them! Wish I could sew as well as you! Wow!

      3. September 30, 2013 / 11:50 am

        Thanks girl!!

      4. September 29, 2013 / 10:44 am

        You're doing great! 3 pounds in a month is honestly AWESOME! proud of you, love!!!

      5. September 27, 2013 / 8:44 pm

        Good luck on that list my dear! Look forward to seeing those quilts

      6. September 27, 2013 / 7:47 pm

        Great goals! I would LOVE to see a post on how you finished your quilt. I'm in the process of a tshirt quilt, but haven't gotten that far. Also, I am a book junkie and also have a goodreads account, though I haven't been able to update it for a while! I will have to check out your Etsy shop and!
        Katherine @

      7. September 27, 2013 / 12:22 pm

        It definitely does!

      8. September 27, 2013 / 12:16 pm

        I love that you have him helping with chores! My husband never had to do anything at home, so when he moved out on his own, he had no idea how to take care of a place. His future wife will thank you one day, I'm sure!

      9. September 27, 2013 / 12:16 pm

        Good Read is such a great site! You're doing great on the goals and I'm heading to check out your Etsy shop now!

      10. September 27, 2013 / 12:15 pm is awesome. I have noticed a significant difference in my spending since it holds me accountable more than just looking at my bank account every week ๐Ÿ™‚ keep it up!

      11. September 27, 2013 / 10:36 am

        These are awesome goals! ๐Ÿ™‚ And really is so helpful!

      12. September 27, 2013 / 8:59 am

        Thanks girl!! I have fallen in love with Mint. It has been awesome.

      13. September 27, 2013 / 8:54 am

        yay keep up the good work. I have two of your same goals too that I'm working on. I don't want to update until I have better things to say about my progress lol Btw ill have your post by today or tomorrow, I promise!

      14. September 27, 2013 / 8:54 am

        you seriously rock. these are all such great goals, I didn't realize you have an etsy shop! And I use mint, so helpful!! love ya girrrrl

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