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30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

The past few months my waistline and bank account have been suffering from the mass amounts of fast food and cokes I have been consuming. I was probably drinking at least 3 cokes a day, and I would always get a large whenever I got fast food from somewhere.

So I am doing something I never thought I would do. I decided to join the ladies over at Simple Green Smoothies in their July 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I stumbled across the website on Pinterest, and I am glad it’s a pin I actually went to and didn’t just repin it and forget it.

The Challenge started July 1st so this past Monday I gave up sodas and fast food cold turkey. I have to say that the first few days of caffeine and artificial sugar withdrawals were awful. I felt like I was in a haze and it just wouldn’t go away.

Finally on my 3rd day without caffeine I felt like a normal person. Hooray! I use my Magic Bullet to make the smoothies, and I cut their recipes in half since the ones they give are for a normal sized blender.

Here are the ones I have made so far.

Day 1: Spinach, Mango, Pineapple, Banana, & Water
Taste: not bad
Day 2: Kale, Lime, Kiwi, Avocado, & Coconut Water
Taste: eh, the texture is weird
Day 3: Kale, Guava, Mango, & Fresh Orange Juice
Taste: delicious! Def my favorite so far. 
Day 4: Spinach, Mango, Pineapple, & Coconut Water
Taste: average
Day 5: Spinach, Pineapple, Almond Milk, & Water
Taste: alright, texture was funky

Thus far, things have been going smoothly. The challenge is broken up into week increments, so each week they send out a shopping list for the things you’ll need for that weeks recipes. The ingredients are always things you would find in your normal grocery store, so I haven’t needed to go to any specialty stores for exotic things. Plus they give great tips of substituting things if you can’t find something.

Like I said, my main reason for doing this is to get healthy. I’ve been stuck at 10lb over my pre-baby weight for a while now, and I am ok with it because 136 pounds is a completely healthy weight for someone my height. I just want to jiggle a little bit less and tone what I’ve got ๐Ÿ™‚ If I loose weight in the process hooray! If not, that’s ok too.

Have you ever tried something you never thought you would do? How did it work out?

I hope everyone has a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

UPDATE: So a friend of mine asked if I just drink smoothies or if I eat food too ๐Ÿ™‚ so I wanted to clarify. I will drink 1 or 2 of these smoothies a day, normally replacing my breakfast and then as an afternoon snack. I still eat a normal lunch and dinner, but I have started better portion control for these meals.


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