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Sunday Social

This week I am doing something new and linking up to the Sunday Social over at Ashley Lately. I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend ๐Ÿ™‚
1. What is your favorite Social Media outlet? 

I am completely addicted to Instagram ๐Ÿ™‚ 

2. Do you subscribe to any daily news reads? If so which ones?

I have Google Currents on my phone, and I’ll check it every now and then. 

3. What is your favorite magazine to have by the pool? 

HGTV magazine or Food Network Magazine

4. What is your favorite summertime song?
Anything fun and upbeat. I’m totally loving the Jonas Brothers Pom Poms right now!
5. What is the best summer concert you’ve been to?
Definitely the Jonas Brothers! My sister and I love going to their concerts, and we’re going to another one in August!


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