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Projects to Make in 2013

I probably have hundreds of things pinned that I would love to eventually make, but there are a couple that I really plan on tackling in 2013!

I have really wanted to start composting for several months now, but the composting bins you can get at the store are super expensive. So when I saw this tutorial for one made out of a storage tote, I was super stoked! This looks simple to make, and I love that it can be moved easily.

This I want to make mostly out of necessity. I have several dresses that I used to wear before having William, but now I find myself wishing they were longer. A slip like this would give me some of my wardrobe back ๐Ÿ™‚

This is a quilt that I really want to make for myself ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the H blocks and this would be the best quilt for snuggling up on the couch with.

William got a potty for Christmas and I know it is early to start potty training him, but I think these are a great idea instead of using Pull-ups. She sewed a panel of PUL on the outside of some training undies. Definitely much cheaper than most training pants.

I salvage a couple windows a few months ago, and they have just been sitting up against the side of the house. I’m definitely going to finally do something with them soon. I love this idea of adding pictures to the frames.

My poor sewing machine is so naked! I really need to make it a darling cover to keep it nice and warm while I’m not using it ๐Ÿ™‚ This tutorial is great because it has pockets on each side of the cover.

Back to the windows I salvaged, we desperately need a coffee table and I think this would be a great addition to our living room. Luckily I am a beast at using power tools, and I’m hoping to get this one done it a weekend!

Well there you have it, some of the projects that I plan on completing during 2013. I hope to do these and more, but I can be scatterbrained at times, so if I start to get off track call me out on it ๐Ÿ™‚ I love a good challenge!

What projects are you planning on tackling during 2013?


1 Comment

  1. January 9, 2013 / 12:50 pm

    I think extender slips are the best idea ever. Go for it!

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