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Bloggy Olympics Event #4: Crafting

For the fourth event in the Bloggy Olympics I have decided to make tie-dyed t-shirts for William. I made him one for the 4th of July and one for his 1st Birthday coming up in August! 
I’ve tie-dyed shirts before but it was probably 10+ years ago at girl scout camp, so I was really excited about doing this again ๐Ÿ™‚ 
 I bought one of those tie-dye kits at Wal-mart and got to work as soon as William went to bed for the night. For his 4th of July tank I did a spiral pattern with red and blue dye, and for his Birthday shirt I did a folded pattern with yellow, green, and blue dye. 
I got him a tank top for his 4th of July shirt, and a regular t-shirt for his Birthday shirt. I think the tank top is my favorite ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I love the Tulip tie-dye kit I got because it has everything you need to do a tie-dye project. It even came with the rubber bands and plastic gloves so you don’t turn your hands colors ๐Ÿ™‚ and it has really easy to follow directions. I finished both shirts in under 30 minutes; I was kinda bummed it didn’t take very long ๐Ÿ™

 You want to pre-wash your shirt WITHOUT fabric softener, and as soon as the washer is done you can start tie-dying.

 For William’s 4th of July shirt I did a spiral pattern. Just pinch the shirt where you want the center of the spiral to be and twist it into a flat circle. Once it is twisted wrap it into six sections with 3 rubber bands ( I doubled up my rubber bands).

 I alternated between red and blue for my wedges, and then put it in a ziptop bag to sit overnight. The longer the shirt sits with the dye, the more vibrant the colors will be. 

 For William’s Birthday Shirt, I did a folded pattern so that when it was done it would look like stripes. Basically you fold it like an accordion and then put rubber-bands every few inches.

I like the combo of colors I used for this shirt ๐Ÿ™‚ the yellow dye turned out super bright and I love it. 

 The next morning, cut the rubber bands and throw into a washer set on HOT and at the biggest load possible. You want a lot of water in the machine because the extra dye will run. (I washed the two shirts separately so the red wouldn’t ruin the green and yellow)

 Ta-Da! All finished! I love how the swirl one turned out not so perfect(pretty much the best part about tie-dye) and how the stripes look so defined ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m going to be linking up to some amazing blogs on Thursday for the 4th event in the Bloggy Olympics! You can head on over to Here’s to Handy Andy, c.w.frosting, or freaking craft to check out all the Bloggy Olympics awesomeness!

UPDATE: Picture’s from the 4th of July! William and I drove down to Houston to see Jeff, and we went to the Museum of Natural Science. It was so much fun! William loved the paleontology exhibit.

 Jeff and William looking at a piece of a petrified tree trunk! William was rocking his awesome tie-dye tank!

 Blurry baby trying to grab the camera ๐Ÿ˜€

He was so tired by the end of the day!

I’m also linking up to these amazing blogs:

Tip   Junkie handmade projects



  1. July 5, 2012 / 9:06 pm

    Thanks! I would totally let William help me if he could, but he would probably try to put everything in his mouth ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. July 3, 2012 / 11:32 pm

    I haven't done this in years! Something I should do with my boys soon, thanks for sharing! They came out great ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. July 3, 2012 / 9:22 pm

    Thanks! I can't wait till he wears them ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. July 3, 2012 / 9:18 pm

    These turned out great. I hope you'll stop by and add this and any other posts you're proud of to my Wednesday What We Wore, Read, and Made Link party


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